Friday, March 4, 2016

1. “The real issue isn’t zone defense, it’s that coaches need to teach better zone offense.”

The first thing that coaches must understand about zone offense is that although not all shots taken out of a zone offense are three-pointers, zone offense relies on the defense respecting the three-point shot.
This is because if your team can’t shoot the basketball from the outside (and most youth teams can’t), then the defense won’t extend out to respect the shot which will open up gaps in the zone.
Instead, all 5 defenders will stand back in the key and wait for you to miss the outside, uncontested shot.
This would be a decent argument at a higher level, but definitely not at the youth basketball level.
The coaches that preach that ‘the issue is zone offense, not zone defense’, will often give you the following two pieces of advice…
a. “Your team needs to learn how to move the basketball better!”

ball movement zone d
Ball movement doesn’t achieve much.
Most youth teams have no problem passing the basketball against a compact 2-3 zone. In fact, it’s often too easy!
If the offensive player is at the three-point line to space the court, there’s often no defender anywhere near them. All the defenders are still inside the key or a step or two out of it. But they’re definitely not pressuring the basketball.
Why should they? The defense knows they’ll miss the shot.
The defense doesn’t particularly care how quickly or how well you move the basketball around the perimeter either. You can swing it from side to side 5 times and the only thing that’s going to move on the defense is their heads while they watch.
They’re going to stand back in the paint and wait until you shoot it so that they can get the rebound.
And there’s no chance your fantastic ball movement is going to penetrate the zone since all 5 defenders are inside the key and can basically touch hands if they all put their arms out.
b. Try screening the zone. That always works!”

screening zone
Screening the zone doesn’t help much.
I’ve heard numerous people advise youth coaches that they should start screening the zone and I still can’t see how it would benefit the offense.
Maybe screening one of the top players to get an open shot on the wing would work, but the offense is definitely not going to get a layup out of it.
Down-screening one of their players and cutting outside isn’t going to achieve anything at all. The defense isn’t going to follow them and create a gap in the defense. They’re staying inside the key.
The offensive team isn’t having any trouble getting open anyway.
Once again, screening the zone relies on the offense being able to hit outside shots so that the defense is forced to chase and contest the outside shot.

2. “Playing a zone defense allows a team of less talent to not get dominated by 50 points.”

I talked about this previously in the article so I’ll make this quick…
This is the only decent argument in favor of playing a zone defense.
If your team is losing by such a wide margin every game, it won’t be long before the parents and players are sick of it and move along to another team.
And, unfortunately, it’s often the best players that go first.
If you are losing by a wide margin every game, you’d be far better off finding a new league or competition to participate in than you simply conceding to playing zone defense every game.

3. “Zone defense is just another tool. Young athletes need to learn all defensive schemes”

The problem with this argument is made obvious by this simple quote from the great Don Meyer.
“When you add, you must subtract” – Don Meyer
By teaching an extra defense to your players, you’re stealing time away from skill development or opportunities to work on other aspects of their game.
Do you really think implementing a zone defense is the best use of the limited time that you have with your players at practice each week?
Coaches already have barely any time at practice with their players.

4. “I don’t have enough time to teach man-to-man defense”

When teams don’t have any practice time, they often resort to using a zone defense.
I get it. It’s far easier to get a player to stand in one position close to the basket than it is to get them to stay between their player and the basket for an entire possession.
But if you don’t have time to teach them man-to-man defense now, when will they have time to learn it?
It’s imperative that we let players experience man-to-man defense as early as possible.
To me, this is a prime example of putting winning at a young age over future development.
It’s not difficult to instruct your players to stand next to one of the offensive players and stay between them and the basket.
Sure, they’ll get lost a couple of times and your team will give up a few easy baskets, but they’ll gradually gain more experience and improve their defense.
Once they’re getting a grasp of defending their own player, start introducing them to help defense.
Teaching your players these little concepts can all be done during games and in the huddles you have before and after games.

5. “I have a bad player and need to hide them in the zone”

I have a feeling a lot of coaches will cringe when reading this argument… I know I did when I first heard it.
How is hiding a poor defender in a zone going to help them with their man-to-man defense in the future?
This is a clear-cut case of a coach putting winning before development.
Allow the poor defender to gain more experience defending. That’s the only way they’re going to improve.
In fact, they’re probably a poor defender because their previous coach only ran a zone and didn’t focus on their future development too.

6. “A good zone defense still teaches man-to-man principles. Players still close out, players still have to help, etc”.

I discussed this topic earlier in the article but let’s quickly go over it again so that my thoughts on the topic are clear.
Zone defense does teach some man-to-man principles, that’s correct.
But, obviously, a man-to-man defense teaches those man-to-man principles a lot better than a zone defense does.
So while the zone defense isn’t all bad, there’s a far better alternative.
To me, this argument is used as an excuse to play zone defense when the coach wants to win.

7. “Teach your team to shoot the basketball better and then we wouldn’t be able to play a zone.”

What a terrible argument this is.
Let’s remember that many of the players either using or competing against the zone defense will be in their first couple of years playing basketball competitively.
How long does it take to become a consistent outside shooter? A few years at the very, very minimum.
How long does it take to implement a zone defense that stands in the key and barely moves? 1 – 2 minutes.
Let’s also not forget that, depending on age, many players physically can’t shoot the basketball consistently yet no matter how much practice they put in!

8. “My players probably won’t play high school or college basketball anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

We’ve all heard those coaches that believe they can predict a players’ future at 8 years old.
“They’ll never be good enough. They’re too short” or “See that kid, he’s going to be a superstar in 10 years.”
How a coach can come to such confident conclusions when players still so young is beyond me.
Basketball is littered with stories of late-blooming players who went on to have amazing professional carers.
Michael Jordan failed to make his high school varsity team as a sophomore and is now known as the best basketball player who ever lived.
Hakeem Olajuwon didn’t pick up a basketball until he was 15 years old and is now regarded as one of the greatest centers to ever play the game.
Tim Duncan made the transition from swimming to basketball in high school and is now arguably the greatest power forward of all time.
And there are plenty more similar stories.
No coach can predict which players are going to fall in love with the sport and work their tails off to improve. No coach can predict a player having a massive growth spurt in their later physical development.
Don’t rule any player out!

9. “By learning how to play zone defense, the players learn ways to exploit it when they play against it in the future.”

As we’ve talked about many times in this article, zone defense in youth basketball isn’t played the way a real zone defense should be played.
Defenders don’t close out, defenders all shadow towards the basketball because they know a skip pass won’t beat them, defenders don’t leave the key, etc.
There’s not much any player will learn about a good zone defense when it’s run in youth basketball.
And this fact alone does not justify taking time away from other things the players could be working on instead.

10. “We run the system that best suits our players.”

Another classic case of a coach putting winning above development at an age when winning should never be the number one priority.
If your players can’t play man-to-man defense at their current level, what chance are they going to have playing it at the next level?
Because remember, as players develop and reach higher levels of competition, they will play far more man-to-man defense.
We need to give all players the opportunity to experience man-to-man defense so that they’re prepared when they get to the next level.

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