Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Little Known Secret to Improve Team Passing and Dramatically Reduce Turnovers

Oddly enough, I've found that very few basketball coaches use this extremely effective tactic. In fact, I didn't use this tactic for many years myself, until I had one of those "LIGHT BULB" moments.

Here's how it works...

I actually had the "light bulb" moment a year or so after listening to Bo Ryan, one of the best college coaches in basketball. So, ultimately, I have to give him credit for the concept. His idea was right on, but it just didn't hit home with me for several years.

In order to cut down on those bad passes and turnovers, you need to get your players on the same page, right?

Do you ever have players cut to the basket just when the ball is passed to them? And the ball flies out of bounds?

If you're like most coaches, you probably just grit your teeth and think to yourself, "Oh well, that's just one of those things, and there's not much you can do about it!"

Well, now you can do something about it...

You simply establish some team rules and drill the following concepts in ALL your practices:

  Rule 1 - If you want the ball, give a hand target. If you are going to change direction, drop the hand target and give a new target.

Rule 2 - No hand target, no pass!!

It's as simple as that. This is a subtle way to establish non-verbal cues with your basketball team.

If you drill these rules long enough, you'll find that players make more accurate passes and reduce turnovers.

To take thing a step further, I also suggest emphasizing a couple of other related passing concepts:

  • Your hand targets should be away from the body.

  • Always pass away from the defense.

  • Use pass fakes, and make them believable!

  • Always catch the ball with two hands.

  • Every time you catch the ball in the front court, chin the ball and get in triple threat position.

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