Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Basketball Pick and Roll Drills

Here are a few pick and roll drills that will help you execute the pick and roll in game-like situations.

Pick and Roll Drill #1

This is a simple, yet critical pick and roll shooting drill that will ensure that you practice game-like shots. Make sure to emphasize proper execution on all of the pick and roll fundamentals.

You will have 2 lines with a coach on the wing. If you have enough players, you can form a 3rd line on the wing with players as well.

1 has a basketball on the wing.

2 cuts from the top and sets a ball screen for 1.

1 executes one of the ball handler options off of the ball screen and shoots.

2 executes one of the screener options off of the ball screen. 2 shoots when the pass is received from the coach.

You can designate ball handler and screener options off of the ball screen or let them choose.

For example, you might say "Ball handler turns down ball screen. Screener executes the pick and pop."

Pick and Roll Drill #2

This is a 2v2 pick and roll drill where our offense will get game-like repetitions and your defense will be challenged. This is a great defensive drill because it makes the defense guard the pick and roll without help defense.

The locations can vary, but in the example to the right, you start with a ball handler on the wing and the screener on the opposite wing / elbow area.

2 sets a ball screen for 1. As soon as 2 cuts to set the screen for 1, the game is live. Players can continue to set ball screens or cut until they score or a change of possession occurs.

You can play to a certain number of points. Playing to 2 or 3 keeps the games intense and quick.

You can also play make-it, take-it or anything else that you think would benefit the team.

Pick and Roll Drill #3

This is a progression to the 2v2 pick and roll drill above.

It is very similar, except now you have added a 3rd offensive player and 3rd defensive player. This will make things more difficult for the offense. At the same time, you get to work on your defensive help rotations.

When dribbling off of the pick, you will have to decide whether to attack the rim, hit to the weakside player, or look for the screener.

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