Wednesday, March 23, 2016

How To Set & Use A Pick In Basketball

Picks in basketball are an invaluable tool that will give the offense many opportunities to score. If you know how to properly set a pick and how to use a pick, the defense will have trouble defending you. The greatest players in the game are masters at utilizing picks to create space for open shots not only for themselves, but also for their teammates. If you want to be truly great at utilizing picks, study film on players like Kevin Durant, Reggie Miller, Richard Hamilton, Steve Nash, and Chris Paul.

Picks are also often referred to as screens. You can set many different types of picks like the down pick, cross pick, ball pick, flare pick, new york pick, slash pick, flex pick, stagger pick, and many more.

Here's the definition of a pick:

When an offensive player legally blocks the path of a defender to open up another offensive player for a shot or to receive a pass.

When setting the pick, you should:
  • Feet spread - you want to create a wide base that is hard for the defender to get around.

  • Hips down and knees bent - you want to be in an athletic solid position with your hips down and your knees bent, so it is difficult for the defender to nudge by you or knock you off balance.

  • Back pointing to targeted area - you want to have your back pointing to the direction that you want the player using the pick to go.

  • Stationary - you want to be stationary before the offensive player comes off of your pick. If you are moving as you set the pick, that is an illegal screen and an offensive foul will be called on you. Make sure to pick an area and let the offensive player run off of your pick.

  • Protect yourself - place your hands in a position on your body to protect yourself. However, make sure you don't extend your arms toward the defensive player.

  • Communicate the pick - make sure to let the offensive player know the pick is coming. You can do this by raising your hand and calling out the player's name.

  • Open up to the ball - after the offensive player comes off of your pick, turn towards the ball and find an open space on the floor. Many times, the person who sets the pick is the player that ends up being open. If you set a ball pick, you can "roll" or "slip" to the basket or "pop" to an open area in the high post or perimeter.

When using the pick, you should:
  • Fake opposite - before you come off of the pick, you should fake in the opposite direction to set up the defender. This will help you run the defender into the pick. If the defender cheats over the pick, cut backdoor.

  • Shoulders by picker's hip - as you come off the pick, make sure to get low and get your shoulders at the same height as the player who is setting the pick. This will prevent the defender from knocking you off of your path while maintaining good balance to catch and shoot or catch and drive.

  • Think Curl - whenever you come off of a pick, think curl. This will create an aggressive mentality that will be hard to guard. When the defense starts to adjust, you can fade, pop out, or cut backdoor. By thinking curl, these options will open up even more.

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