Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Basketball Pick and Roll Plays

Here are a couple of simple, yet highly effective pick and roll plays provided by Don Kelbick to help you score some easy buckets.

Pick and Roll Play #1

This is a simple quick hitter and also an entry that seamless gets you into Flex or a 4 Out 1 In Motion offense.

5 sets a back screen for 4. The first option is to hit 4 for a lay up.

If that's not open, 4 spaces out and clears the lane.

5 sets a ball screen for 1.

1 dribbles off the screen looking to attack, hit 5 rolling to the basket, or hit 3 in the corner.

If nothing is there, 1 back dribbles. 5 can set a flex screen on 2 to initiate flex. Or you can start your 4 out motion.


If your 5 man is a good shooter, another variation is to have 5 pick and pop. In this case, 4 will stay on the block and 5 goes to the right wing to initiate the offense.

If nothing is there, 1 back dribbles. 4 can set a flex screen on 2 to initiate flex. Or you can start your 4 out motion.

Pick and Roll Play #2

The offense starts in 1-4 low set.

1 dribbles to the left to set up the pick and roll.

5 cuts to set the ball screen.

3 fills the wing.

Option 1 is for 1 to score.

Option 2 is to pass to 4 if the helpside defense slides over.

If the defense forces 1 wide, 5 rolls to the basket to execute the pick and roll. 1 passes to 5.

If 2's defender slides in to help on the dribble drive, 1 passes to 2 in the corner for the shot.

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