Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Step 5 - Shooting Off The Pass

Shooting Off The Pass

After the shooter starts to get the proper rhythm and timing, you can start shooting from the pass just like a game.

The 15 Year Old Who Took 3 Months - Take Your Time!

Recently, I worked with a 15 year old boy. We used these exact same progressions. It literally took us over three months to get to the point where he was consistently using the correct form in game settings and making a high percentage of shots.
And he worked on his shot 4 to 5 times a week.
Also, do not rush through the progressions and give them too much to think about!
This is one of the biggest mistakes I made when I was in my 20s. I would give them too much information. At times, it would create paralysis analysis. I still have to check myself on this.
Give them bite-sized chunks of info. Focus on fixing one thing at a time. That's why we organized this in progressions. Focus on one progression. Perfect that progression. Create the proper shooting habit, so they don't even have to think about it, then move on to the next progression.
I also would limit playing games while you're developing the form. It's not that your form can't be developed during the season or while playing games. It's just more difficult and takes more time as they are more likely to go back to their old shooting form.
For a 10 year old, this could take two years to develop.
For a committed player with good shooting technique, it might take a few weeks.
Just be patient and take your time.

Workouts For Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Players

Beginner Workout

  • 1-Hand Form Shooting Drill - 20 shots
  • 1-Hand Form Shooting With Guide Hand - 20 Shots
  • Set To Go - 40 shots - 3 feet, 6 feet, 9 feet, and 12 feet
  • Tuck To Set Drill - 20 reps each leg
  • Tuck To Go - Start With Ball - 30 Shots Each Leg - Start At 10 Feet
  • Shooting Off The Pass - 30 Shots Each Leg - Start At 10 Feet

Intermediate Shooting Warm Up

For the intermediate and advanced players, we use a condensed version of this to warm up. It also hones the proper shooting technique. When I've neglected this warm up, players can get sloppy with their technique and miss more shots. This is why we do this at the beginning of every shooting workout.
Think of it as sharpening the tool prior to using it. Here, we are sharpening the shooting technique prior to shooting game shots.
This will probably only take 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of every workout.
  • 1-Hand Form Shooting Drill - 10 shots
  • 1-Hand Form Shooting With Guide Hand - 10 Shots
  • Set To Go - 20 shots - 3 feet, 6 feet, 9 feet, and 12 feet
  • Tuck To Set Drill - 10 reps each leg
  • Tuck To Go - Start With Ball - 20 Shots Each Leg - Start At 10 Feet
  • Shooting Off The Pass - 20 Shots Each Leg - Start At 10 Feet

Advanced Shooting Warm Up

  • 1-Hand Form Shooting With Guide Hand - 10 Shots
  • Set To Go - 20 shots - 3 feet, 6 feet, 9 feet, and 12 feet
  • Tuck To Set Drill - 5 reps each leg
  • Tuck To Go - Start With Ball - 10 Shots Each Leg - Start At 15 Feet
  • Shooting Off The Pass - 20 Shots Each Leg - Start At 15 to 18 Feet

Leave Your Thoughts And Comments Below!

We hope these shooting progressions help you as much as they've helped us.
Please let us know what you think and if you have any questions!

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